什么?这就是实际训练?"当我进入救生员学校时 我是唯一的男人穿着游泳衣的女孩们正在做口对口人工呼吸和心脏按摩练习......
原标题: HUNTB-408 「えっ?コレが実習?」ライフセーバー専門学校に入学したら男はボク1人!水着女子がマウスtoマウス&心臓マッサージ実習するもんだから…
I'm the only guy at the lifesaver school! I get a full erection because of the tight swimsuit girls doing mouth to mouth and cardiac massage exercises! During the practice, the girls in swimsuits show their cleavage and asses all over the place! And when I played the role of a rescuer, they all tried to mouth-to-mouth me, which naturally gave me a full erection! I thought I was going to get pissed off when they found out I had an erection, but the girls who were strong enough started to rut on my dick and I started to fuck them pussy to pussy. I have to admit, it was great!