SDNM-306 一个孩子的母亲,雍容华贵的气质,在古都京都邂逅 32 岁的藤崎本奈美(Honami Fujisaki),在丈夫不知情的情况下,利用带薪休假,从京都到东京进行了为期一天的旅行,在那里她接连与五名男子发生了关系,并被弄得到处都是精液。

原标题: SDNM-306 古都・京都で出会った奥ゆかしく気品溢れる一児の母 藤崎ほなみ 32歳 旦那に内緒で有休を使い京都~東京日帰り 5人の男と立て続けに即挿入イカされまくりの不倫ひとり旅 敏感なカラダを襲う休みない激ピストン

This is the second adulterous shooting of Honami, a married woman of modest modesty born in Kyoto. She said her husband would be suspicious of her going out overnight in this day and age, so she made a day trip to Tokyo. As soon as she entered the hotel, she suddenly started having sex with a man who was waiting for her. Honami was surprised, but her body responded immediately. After that, men kept showing up, and they continued to fuck her for as long as they could!

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