外表冷酷,内心肮脏。泷田步的 AV 处女作,饰演一个容易被逼急、充满空虚感的前已婚女模特。
原标题: MEYD-692 クールに見えて根はスケベ。押しに弱くて隙だらけの元モデル人妻AVデビュー 滝田あゆ
A 174cm tall former model makes her adult film debut! She is a 28-year-old married woman who is not often approached by men because she is described as a bit cold or cool looking. In fact, she is a dirty girl. She is a bit of a pushover and would have an affair with a man if he asked her out, but there is no one to ask her out! So she is currently in a state of maximum frustration. She broke her "vow" when she got married and came to have an affair with an adult film actor. She is so horny that I can't imagine from her cool appearance that she is having an affair with a stranger's pole.